Hoyle Nursery School

Chesham Fold Road, Bury, Lancashire BL9 6HR

0161 761 6822



Mathematical understanding helps children to make sense of the world around them, interpret situations and to solve problems in everyday life.

It is our aim to ensure children develop a strong grounding in number, be able to count confidently and to develop a deep understanding of numbers to 10, the relationship between them and the patterns within those numbers.

Our long term Maths Plan ensures that we have a systematic approach to teaching Maths. Focused activities take place during our Group Time sessions, where children are taught and encouraged to explore concepts of number, shape, space, pattern and measure.

The teaching and learning of Maths takes place indoors and outdoors, through a wide range of practical ‘hands on’ activities.

Our environment provides a variety of opportunities for children to experience Mathematical concepts in a multi-sensory way, promoting problem solving and child led enquiry. Adults support children’s learning and consolidation of Mathematical concepts whilst they are engaged in meaningful Maths opportunities in their play.

Adults in our setting make the most of opportunities throughout the day to use maths in daily routines, play and cross curricular activities, seizing the chance to reinforce Mathematical language and concepts.


  • We develop early counting and number skills through dice games, counting activities and Numicon.
  • Children develop an understanding of shapes and properties through junk modelling and block play.
  • Wheeled play and large construction encourages children to develop a sense of the space around them.
  • Using containers of different shapes and sizes encourages the children to measure and compare.
  • Children are encouraged to develop patience and persistence when problem solving.