Hoyle Nursery School

Chesham Fold Road, Bury, Lancashire BL9 6HR

0161 761 6822


Forest School

Our School was granted planning permission for an area of Hoyles Park in October 2022 and over the last few months we have been developing this area into a wonderful, natural Forest School. Our vision for this area is a natural space where children can explore the outdoor environment through nature based learning.

Forest School offers several benefits for young children:

  • Connection with Nature: opportunities for children to connect with nature, fostering a love for the outdoors and a deeper appreciation for the environment.
  • Physical Development: outdoor play and exploration in Forest School promotes physical activity, helping children develop gross motor skills whilst also supporting mental health and well-being and staying active.
  • Creativity and Imagination: natural settings inspire creativity and imaginative play, encouraging children to use their surroundings for imaginative games and activities.
  • Independence: Forest School encourages independence as children learn to navigate and problem solve in a less structured environment.
  • Social Skills: group activities in Forest School promote social interaction, teamwork, and communication skills as children collaborate and play together.
  • Resilience: exposure to the elements and outdoor challenges helps children build resilience and adaptability.
  • Curiosity and Learning: Forest School stimulates curiosity and a love for learning through hands on experiences and exploration.
  • Confidence Building: overcoming outdoor challenges and accomplishing tasks in a natural setting boosts children’s confidence and self-esteem.

Overall, we aim to provide a holistic approach to our Forest School curriculum that nurtures physical, emotional and cognitive development in a natural and engaging environment.

Here are some lovely photos of your children in Forest School so far. We have been so busy and we have had so much fun! The rain drum has been a big hit, the children love to play and listen to the different sounds.  We have been doing lots of relaxing and calming activities like yoga, barefoot in the grass and building dens to lie down in.  We have had lots of sensory experiences too!  We hope you enjoy looking at our photos. 

The World Through Our Eye's.

We have been using technology to capture and explore our experiences in forest school.  By looking through the lens we are becoming more aware of our environment and the beauty of nature.  

We have been busy busy in Forest School. We have had lots of fun!   We have been seeing how our fruit has changed and some of it has been ready to eat!  The birds in Forest School have been very hungry so we made bird feeders with lots of seed for them.  We also made perfume with all the materials we found around Forest School and then we watched the birds come and eat it.  The hammocks have been out every day too! 

This month in Forest School our children have been.....Great Friends, Architects, Risk Takers, Den Builders, Explorers and Nature Detectives!

Nursery 2

Nursery 3

Lots of fun in Forest School.

Learning about the drill.

 Nursery 3 have been looking at and using the drill.  They did really well and made lots of holes in the logs.  Handling tools can help to improve children`s hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills.

Signs of spring.

A lovely day for Nursery Two.  We used our magnifying glass to look for signs of spring and then we built a wall around them to keep them safe.  We all helped each other wash and dry the cups and plates from snack. Super job Nursery Two.

Children in N3 have been learning how to use different tools safely in Forest School. This week they have learnt how to chop wood using the axe.

Children in N2 have been learning how to stay safe around the fire pit and make some snacks. They have also been exploring different ways to move on the equipment and had fun playing together.

Cheese toasties and hot chocolate! 

A lovely week in Forest School this week with snow, fire, toasted brioche, and hot chocolate!


It's all about trees and team work this half term

Pumpkins.....Autumn Leaves.....Bird Feeders.....Knots.....Mud Pies and Learning about our Environment

So much to see and learn.....

This month in Forest School we have learnt so much and had lots of fun in the sun, rain and mud!

Here are some of the things we have done:  explored leaves, feathers and sticks; made bird feeders; played hide and seek with Sam; made more scarecrows; used our physical skills to run, balance, climb and jump; had fun on the rope swing; made a see-saw and looked at materials that float and sink to make boats. 

A Fun Week

The weather certainly didn't stop us from having fun in Forest School this week. Nursery 2 have enjoyed exploring nature and using their senses to explore the different areas. Nursery 3 have been using skills learnt to build swings, find bugs and make houses for mini-beasts, make mud pies and best of all a mud and soap slide!


Autumn Term 

All our children have enjoyed a Forest School session this week. We have tidied our planters and planted wild flowers, pulled up the vegetables we planted last year, made delicious mud pies and cakes, had fun on the swing, played hide and seek with Sam, found mini-beasts and had fun exploring together.