Hoyle Nursery School

Chesham Fold Road, Bury, Lancashire BL9 6HR

0161 761 6822



Phonics is a method of teaching reading by matching sounds to letters and groups of letters. We use the Ruth Miskin scheme 'Read, Write Inc' to teach phonics and we start by teaching:

  • General sound discrimination
  • Rhythm and rhyme
  • Alliteration
  • Voice sounds
  • Oral blending and segmenting

Our aim is to ensure that:

  • All children develop speaking and listening skills as preparatory to learning phonics.
  • All children receive high quality phonic work at the stage they are working at.
  • All children leave Nursery with the key skills needed to develop as fluent readers.

The most important starting point is to read to children. Reading is the best way of encouraging children to develop a love of books. At Hoyle we have developed a long term plan and selected some key books that we teach throughout the year. These books are traditional tales and stories that have a repetitive theme and we call them our 'wow' stories.

To develop a sense of excitement and interest in the 'wow' stories we read each term, an exciting story hook is planned. The children are encouraged to use their senses to question what they think might be happening.

In the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears, the children talked about the mess that was left in the mud kitchen and listened to a message left by baby bear. Following on from the story hook, the children experienced weekly activities alongside listening to the story. They made porridge, talked about feelings, painted the woods and re-told the story using props. We also shared the story with parents during a session with their child.

Phonics is taught as a discrete lesson in small groups. It is multi-sensory and is applied throughout the Nursery curriculum, to ensure the maximum retention of the taught skills. Our phonics sessions are always fun and interactive. 

Phase Two phonics is introduced to children who are ready to begin. 


 Below are some pictures of our children enjoying different activities related to the stories that they read and showing their growing interest in books.