Hoyle Nursery School

Chesham Fold Road, Bury, Lancashire BL9 6HR

0161 761 6822


Resourced Provision

The Resourced Provision (RP) at Hoyle Nursery School is for 12 children with identified Social Communication Difficulties.  Places are either full time or part time to cater for individual needs. The provision offers children a specialist Early Years environment supported by staff who have the additional expertise of supporting young learners with such difficulties. Children across the Local Authority can be considered for placement within RP and support may be provided via LA funded transport.


Hours of attendance:

Full Time - 8.45am-2.45pm

Part time - Morning 8.45am-11.45am

                 - Afternoon 12.15pm-3.15pm 

Threshold for admission: 

  • Children will have a social communication difficulty that has been identified by a relevant professional (e.g. SALT, EP, The Health Visitor, Occupational Therapist or Paediatrician).
  • The child will already have received appropriate intervention through the Graduated Approach of the SEND Code of Practice 2015.
  • There will be clear evidence of the positive impact of appropriate interventions on the child’s language and development.  The child may however, still be working below age related expectations.
  • Children will be considered at the SEN Panel.


Children accessing Hoyle Nursery School via the Resourced Provision are supported by:

  • The Head Teacher (SENDCo)
  • The Assistant Head Teacher
  • The Class Teacher
  • Higher Level Teaching Assistant (SENDCo)
  • Early Years Practitioners 

Children are supported on a 1:2 ratio allowing supported play within provision as well as dedicated 1:1 time aimed at supporting the development of individual specific needs. 

Parents are supported throughout the time their child is at Hoyle Nursery School. Daily liaison with parents via face to face discussions and written entry in the home school diary ensure that parents know what is happening and are involved in their child's learning. Progress meetings are held twice a year with their child's key person and review meetings are held at least termly to ensure that the children's individual needs are being met and they are making appropriate progress. 

We work closely with outside agencies such as SALT, the Educational Psychologist and Health Professionals to ensure that the appropriate support is in place. This includes joint planning and feedback meetings and support with the request for an EHC assessment if deemed necessary to support the child's next steps or transition into primary school.


Please follow the links below for more information

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) - Please follow this link to access The Bury Directory - Local Offer

Bury Local Authority have provided some useful links regarding the Speech, Language and Communication Pathway for children aged 0-5 years. Please click here for more information.